Our Story

For many years, I could never speak my truth with fear of being labeled by my past. I did not want the title of a survivor. I want to be known for truth, power, and love. The freedom that comes from the power to LIVe is so much more than the freedom you seek from sympathy.
Movement is the healing your body speaks when you are silent. Release all negativity and let your sweat cry out all that needs to be heard. The idea is not to create more rules around movement. Rather, the goal is to release ourselves of the story we once believed and seek the one that is actually true.
Becoming a mother: the most significant moment my world has ever experienced. Knowing their eyes saw everything, and their hearts craved my love and strength, was the simple force I needed to truly become the person I was always meant to be. We must LIVe to write our own story, then be brave enough to communicate it authentically to the world.
Do the work, put in the time. The journey was never meant to be easy. Trust me when I tell you, be kind and compassionate to your soul. Fall in love with taking care of yourself and with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself, with patience, compassion and respect.
Let movement be the force that guides your soul to the freedom it has always desired. Let what you wear bring out the humble warrior from within. And above all, let your story be what inspires you to LIVe with Purpose each and every day.